Vision Bariatrics

Achieve a Smooth Stomach with Tummy Tuck After Massive Weight Loss

Dec 3, 2022 @ 06:32 AM — by Gaston Tessada
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck

Significant weight loss can improve health, mobility, and overall quality of life, but it can also leave the skin loose and saggy. Excessive abdominal skin is a problem for many people who have experienced massive weight loss. The tummy tuck procedure removes excess skin, revealing a smoother, more contoured stomach.

The medical team at Oasis of Hope Bariatrics would like to take a moment to discuss how a tummy tuck after massive weight loss can help patients at our Tijuana, Mexico, practice achieve the results they desire.

How Can a Tummy Tuck Help After Weight Loss?

Weight gain stretches the skin, so when a massive amount of weight is lost, especially quickly, the skin often remains stretched and loose. Excessive abdominal skin commonly affects people who have lost a significant amount of weight.

When sagging abdominal skin is present, it can impact self-esteem and health. Large amounts of excess skin in the abdominal area can make the stomach look larger and increase the risk of skin infections beneath the hanging tissue.

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, effectively removes excess abdominal skin to reveal a flatter stomach while also reducing the risk of skin infections that sometimes occur beneath hanging stomach tissue.

About the Tummy Tuck Procedure

The tummy tuck procedure is performed under anesthesia and takes anywhere from one to five hours at our Tijuana practice. During the procedure, an incision is made along the lower abdomen. The skin is lifted and the excess tissue removed. The underlying muscles are also tightened or repaired if necessary.

Once the excess abdominal tissue is removed and the muscles adjusted, the incision is closed. Sometimes small drains are placed under the skin at the incision site to help remove fluids and excess blood for the first several days.

After surgery, patients should expect to take at least two weeks off from work, or longer, if their job requires strenuous activity. Most patients will be cleared to resume strenuous activity and vigorous exercise within six weeks of surgery.

Patients should see an immediate improvement in their abdomen, but may not see full results for several months depending on their personal healing times and swelling.

Ideal Candidates for Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck surgery helps many people see the full results of their weight loss, but it isn’t right for everyone. Ideal candidates for abdominoplasty include those who are:

Contact Oasis of Hope Bariatrics

For more information about the tummy tuck procedure after significant weight loss or to learn more about the services we offer, please call our Tijuana practice at (619) 690-8417 to schedule a consultation.