Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes By Gaston Tessada on September 16, 2021

Patient sitting with a doctor going over treatment optionsDiabetes is a condition related to high blood sugar levels due to the body’s inability to create or process insulin. Obesity makes it difficult to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, which makes losing weight a struggle. That’s where bariatric surgery for people with diabetes comes into play. Patients with type 2 diabetes may qualify for bariatric surgery if they have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 35 or more and have not been able to lower their body weight despite their best efforts.

At Oasis of Hope Bariatrics in Tijuana, Mexico, we strive to improve the quality of life for all of our patients. Let’s discuss the benefits of bariatric surgery for patients suffering from type 2 diabetes below.

Can Bariatric Surgery Help People with Type 2 Diabetes?

Patients living with type 2 diabetes often consider undergoing weight loss surgery to help them lose weight. One 2010 study in the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine found that patients lose more weight with bariatric surgeries than with other weight-loss methods.

That study also found that 87% of individuals who underwent bariatric surgery needed fewer anti-diabetic medications than they did before surgery. Additionally, 78% of individuals achieved normal blood sugar levels without taking any anti-diabetic medications at all.

Patients Lose Weight Faster

Within six months of gastric bypass surgery, patients will have lost 30% to 40% of excess body weight. At the one-year mark post gastric bypass surgery, patients will have likely met their weight loss goal. Comparable results are possible with other bariatric procedures.

Thanks to bariatric surgery, a healthy diet, and regular physical activity, patients can achieve major weight loss and address their type 2 diabetes in the process.

The Need for Diabetic Medication is Drastically Reduced

The effects on blood sugar levels are immediate, and can be measured within days after surgery. That is because bariatric procedures such as gastric sleeve and gastric bypass cause a reduction in food intake and the amount of calories absorbed by the body. That translates into a reduction in resistance to insulin which improves type 2 diabetes.

Better Overall Health is Achieved

In addition to the benefits for diabetes, bariatric surgeries help patients achieve better overall health. Other health benefits shown to result from bariatric surgery includes improved cardiovascular health, relief from sleep apnea, and joint pain relief. The improvement in general health and wellness can help address

Types of Bariatric Surgery Procedures

Some of the most common types of bariatric surgeries include:

  1. Gastric bypass. In this procedure, the top of the stomach is divided from the rest of the stomach and part of the small intestine is rerouted and bypassed. This promotes restrictive weight loss (reduced calorie consumption) and malabsorptive weight loss (reduced calorie absorption during digestion).
  2. Gastric sleeve. In this procedure, a large portion of the stomach is removed. Patients will eat less as there is less room for food in the stomach, leading to restrictive weigh loss.
  3. Adjustable gastric band. An inflatable band is placed around the top of the stomach in this procedure. A small pouch is formed where food deposits. This pouch, which is much smaller than the size of the average stomach, fills up fast so a patient feels full much quicker.

We can discuss the ideal option for your needs during a consultation at our Tijuana practice. We can also go over the benefits of medical tourism in Mexico given the current exchange rate.

Quality Bariatric Treatment and Care

The team at Oasis of Hope Bariatrics strive to be a point of reference for the patients they serve. Call (619) 690-8417 or schedule an appointment online to see how we can address your weight loss surgery needs.

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Vision Bariatrics

Choose a Trusted Team

The medical team at Vision Bariatrics in Tijuana, Mexico, is committed to providing the highest quality of care to deliver life-changing results. Drs. Francisco Gonzalez, Mario Camelo Ramos, and Francisco Guarista are all board-certified bariatric surgeons trained in the latest weight loss surgery methods. Additionally, we offer: 

  • State-of-the-art surgical care
  • Affordable, transparent pricing
  • A safe, secure campus 

To learn more about our Tijuana practice, call us at (619) 313-3171, or request a quote online.

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Fray Servando Teresa de Mier 15, Zona Urbana Rio
Tijuana, B.C. 22320

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