Vision Bariatrics

Why Is a Liquid and Soft Diet Important after Bariatric Surgery?

Mar 4, 2021 @ 08:30 AM — by Gaston Tessada
Tagged with: Bariatric Surgery Diet

Successful weight loss after bariatric surgery depends on each patient’s commitment to making lifestyle and dietary changes along with a good support system. At Oasis of Hope Bariatrics, our bariatric surgeons work closely with patients to give them the support and guidance they need to be successful in their weight loss journey.

One important change patients will need to make as they recover from bariatric surgery is sticking to a liquid and soft diet. Our surgeons explain why a liquid and soft diet is important after bariatric surgery to patients at our Tijuana, Mexico, practice to help them reduce complications during recovery and start their weight loss journey on the right foot.

Clear Liquids Are Gentle During Recovery

For about the first 24 hours after gastric bypass surgery, patients in our Tijuana hospital are only allowed clear liquids. Clear liquids (including water, broth, and sugar-free gelatin) are gentle on the stomach. This helps reduce irritation to the stomach as it starts to heal from the incisions made during surgery.

Liquids Reduce the Risk of Complications

After about a day and once clear liquids are well-tolerated, patients will move on to a full liquid diet. A full liquid diet may include protein shakes and milk to help keep protein intake at healthy levels.

Although patients may feel the urge to eat solid foods, it’s important to stick to a full liquid diet and limit portion sizes as instructed. This helps prevent stretching the stomach too much as it heals and reduces the risk of complications.

A Liquid Diet Is Important for Hydration

Staying hydrated is important at all times, especially after bariatric surgery. After bariatric surgery, patients will not be able to consume the portion sizes they have been used to. This also means that they won’t be able to drink the same amount of liquid in one go. For these reasons, following a liquid diet is important to maintaining hydration as the stomach adjusts.

A Soft Diet Helps Reintroduce Solid Foods

After the stomach has healed enough to move on from liquid foods, patients will need to gradually ease their way back into solids through soft, pureed foods. Gradually adding in different pureed foods is important to allow the body time to rebuild its tolerance to solid foods.

Adjusting to Consuming Smaller Amounts

After bariatric surgery, the stomach cannot hold as much food or drink as it did prior. Patients will need to get used to eating smaller amounts to help facilitate weight loss and help with digestion. Following a liquid and soft diet for several weeks after surgery can help patients adjust to consuming smaller amounts when they begin adding solids back into their diets.

Following a Liquid and Soft Diet to Springboard Weight Loss

It’s important to follow a liquid and soft diet as instructed after bariatric surgery not only to help with healing and to reduce complications but also to jump start your weight loss. With the support of our team at Oasis of Hope Bariatrics in Tijuana, our patients successfully lose weight and keep it off. Let us help you reach your weight loss goals.

Schedule a Consultation

For more information about bariatric surgery, please call (619) 690-8417 or schedule a consultation online.