Vision Bariatrics

Skin Tightening Surgery after Bariatric Surgery

Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:04 AM — by Gaston Tessada
Tagged with: Skin Tightening Surgery

Bariatric surgery alters the stomach and digestive tract to limit the amount of food the stomach can hold and reduce calories absorbed by the body. Bariatric surgery typically results in massive weight loss that improves a person’s health and physique.

One potential concern following bariatric surgery is loose skin. Loose skin can compromise weight loss results and leave people feeling self-conscious about their figure. Body contouring after massive weight loss eliminates stretched skin so that patients can enjoy the full effects of their weight loss efforts.

At Oasis of Hope Bariatrics, skin tightening after bariatric surgery offers our Tijuana, Mexico, patients improved body contours that better highlight their weight loss results.

Complications of Loose Skin

Loose skin understandably compromises the effects of weight loss. Even as fatty tissues are lost, loose skin can hang around key areas of the figure, making the body look larger than it is. Unfortunately, that is only one of the concerns associated with loose skin after weight loss. Loose skin may also:

Skin Tightening Treatments

Exercise is always recommended following bariatric surgery. Exercise tightens muscles, strengthens the body, and promotes long-term weight maintenance. Unfortunately, even if our Tijuana patients lead an active lifestyle, loose, stretched skin may not conform to new body contours.

Skin tightening treatment is often the best way to eliminate excess skin and create the slimmer, firmer figure that will show off a person’s true weight loss results. At Oasis of Hope Bariatrics, we offer many skin tightening treatments, including:

Customizing Body Contouring Treatment

Some patients who come to us for skin tightening treatment after bariatric surgery have just one area of concern that needs to be addressed. In these cases, a single plastic surgery procedure that is targeted to that part of the body can give them the tightening results they desire. However, it is much more common for our Tijuana patients to have multiple areas of concern.

If loose skin is affecting more than one area of the body, our plastic surgeons can combine multiple skin tightening procedures to give patients the results they desire. We are able to completely customize skin tightening treatment so that each patient’s unique needs are met. This may require the combination of two or three cosmetic procedures, or it may involve a comprehensive range of skin tightening treatments that provide a full body lift. We are happy to consult with each patient and recommend a treatment plan based on their specific needs and desires.

Learn More

If you have recently lost a significant amount of weight and are interested in plastic surgery to eliminate loose skin, the surgical team at Oasis of Hope Bariatrics would be happy to help. To learn more about the skin tightening treatments offered at our practice, call (619) 313-4522, or send us a message at your earliest convenience.