Vision Bariatrics

Tummy Tuck Scars

Nov 12, 2019 @ 11:21 AM — by Gaston Tessada
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck

At Oasis of Hope Bariatrics, patients can find a wide range of treatments to assist them in shedding excessive weight. While these treatments are effective, many are left with imperfections, even after they have achieved their weight loss goals. It is not uncommon for people to deal with loose skin and stubborn deposits of fat after significant weight loss.

A tummy tuck rids the stomach of loose skin and excess fat, and repairs abdominal muscles to create a slimmer, firmer midsection. Many of our Tijuana, Mexico, patients are curious to learn more about the tummy tuck scars they can expect after treatment.

How Large Are Tummy Tuck Scars?

The size and location of tummy tuck scars will depend on what technique is used for the surgical procedure. Many of our Tijuana patients opt for a full tummy tuck, but some are suitable candidates for a mini tummy tuck.

Can I Prevent Scars?

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent tummy tuck scars. As tissues heal to close wounds left by surgical incisions, scars will form. Although the color and thickness of scar tissue has a lot to do with each patient’s skin tone and texture, our doctors are precise with their surgical techniques so we can minimize scarring as much as possible for our patients. Additionally, incisions are carefully placed so that most can be easily hidden beneath a bikini or a pair of panties.

Caring for Tummy Tuck Scars

Although scars cannot be prevented, our Tijuana patients can take steps to promote healing so that scar tissue is less visible. Individuals should consider these tips when caring for scars:

Contact Us

If loose skin and stubborn fat deposits are keeping you from fully enjoying the results of your weight loss efforts, you may be an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck. To learn more about this procedure and the recovery process, contact us at your earliest convenience or call Oasis of Hope Bariatrics at (619) 690-8417.