Vision Bariatrics

When Is Vertical Sleeve Revision to Gastric Bypass the Right Option?

May 11, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Gaston Tessada
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Gastric Bypass

Losing weight is a challenge, but for those who are significantly overweight, diet and exercise alone may not be enough. Vertical gastric sleeve reduces the size of the stomach, helping those who struggle with obesity to reach their weight loss goals and improve their health.

Although many have weight loss success with the vertical sleeve procedure, over time, some may no longer see the results they want or may develop other issues that may be resolved through surgical revision.

Dr. Francisco Gonzalez provides vertical sleeve revision to gastric bypass at Oasis of Hope Bariatrics located in Tijuana, México. For more information about vertical gastric sleeve or gastric bypass, we welcome you to schedule a consultation.

What's the Difference Between Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass?

Sometimes revision surgery is necessary after a vertical sleeve gastrectomy. For many facing revision surgery, the best option is often gastric bypass.

When considering revision surgery, it's helpful to understand the difference between the vertical sleeve procedure and gastric bypass.

When Is Vertical Sleeve Revision Necessary?

Unfortunately, some people who have had vertical sleeve surgery may find they are no longer getting the results they want or have developed other issues. As a result, vertical sleeve revision may be necessary. Some reasons revision may be helpful include:

Why Choose Gastric Bypass for Vertical Sleeve Revision?

Dr. Gonzalez offers gastric bypass surgery at our Tijuana practice to those who are no longer losing weight or suffer from severe reflux after the vertical sleeve procedure.

Gastric bypass can provide better weight loss results after vertical sleeve surgery as it not only reduces the size of the stomach, making patients feel full with less food, it also reduces the time foods stay in the stomach and small intestine. This helps reduce the absorption of fat and calories from foods, further increasing weight loss results.

For those with severe reflux, gastric bypass can alleviate GERD symptoms. This is primarily because gastric bypass significantly reduces the amount of acid production within the stomach.

Schedule a Consultation

For more information about vertical sleeve revision and gastric bypass, or to discuss other weight loss options, please call (619) 690-8417 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gonzalez.