Mini Gastric Bypass for Diabetes By Gaston Tessada on March 25, 2019

A woman after a yoga sessionOasis of Hope has helped countless people lose weight through safe and effective bariatric surgery techniques. Located just over the San Diego border in Tijuana, Mexico, we offer numerous surgical weight loss procedures designed to reduce calorie intake and allow patients to shed body fat.

Many patients have asked Dr. Francisco Gonzalez about the risks and benefits of mini gastric bypass surgery. Like many bariatric procedures, the surgery can help promote major weight loss. It can also help address other health problems associated with obesity, including diabetes. Let’s take a moment to consider this issue.

Diabetes and Obesity

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 26 million Americans suffer from diabetes. That’s almost 8 percent of the US population. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90 to 95 percent of all cases of diabetes, and obesity is one of the key risk factors. Among the obese and morbidly obese, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is three to seven times higher than a person who is in a healthier weight range.

Diabetes and other obesity-related conditions is one reason why more people are turning to surgical weight loss procedures such as the mini gastric bypass.

How a Mini Gastric Bypass Works

A mini gastric bypass is a faster and technically easier version of the traditional gastric bypass surgery. The mechanism for weight loss is essentially the same since the stomach size is reduces and part of the small intestine is bypassed during digestion.

Mini gastric bypass surgery is restrictive and malabsorptive. This means that weight loss is achieved in two ways:

  • Restrictive Weight Loss - Restrictive weight loss means that a person is only able to consume a certain amount of calories in a single sitting. This is the result of the smaller stomach size.
  • Malabsorptive Weight Loss -Malabsorptive weight loss means that the amount of calories absorbed during digestion is limited. This is the result of bypassing part of the small intestine.

Can Mini Gastric Bypass Cure Diabetes?

Potentially, yes.

Numerous studies have shown that gastric bypass surgery and mini gastric bypass surgery can help patients lose weight and experience less severe diabetes as a result. In fact, some patients have been cured of their type 2 diabetes thanks to surgical weight loss procedures.

The weight loss and changes in the digestive process can alter hormone levels in the body, altering sensations of hunger and improving overall glycemic control. Any improvement in managing your diabetes and blood sugar should be considered a notable health improvement and overall benefit.

Other Health Benefits of Mini Gastric Bypass

In addition to treating diabetes or at least reducing its severity in patients, the mini gastric bypass can also help treat a number of other comorbidities associated with obesity and morbid obesity. This includes:

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Heart disease
  • Joint pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sleep apnea

The myriad of benefits are worth considering if you face urgent health issues and have been instructed by your physical to lose weight.

Discussing Your Weight Loss Surgery Options

Mini gastric bypass is just one of many weight loss surgery options available. We can discuss other surgical techniques as well as what to expect after surgery for weight maintenance in greater detail during a consultation at our practice.

Learn More About Bariatric Surgery

For more information about mini gastric bypass and your many other options for safe surgical weight loss, be sure to contact our bariatric surgery center. You can reach Oasis of Hope by phone at (619) 940-1724.

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Vision Bariatrics

Choose a Trusted Team

The medical team at Vision Bariatrics in Tijuana, Mexico, is committed to providing the highest quality of care to deliver life-changing results. Drs. Francisco Gonzalez, Mario Camelo Ramos, and Francisco Guarista are all board-certified bariatric surgeons trained in the latest weight loss surgery methods. Additionally, we offer: 

  • State-of-the-art surgical care
  • Affordable, transparent pricing
  • A safe, secure campus 

To learn more about our Tijuana practice, call us at (619) 313-3171, or request a quote online.

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Fray Servando Teresa de Mier 15, Zona Urbana Rio
Tijuana, B.C. 22320

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